13 November 2013

Barbara Lauwers (1914-2009) ~ LEAGUE OF LONELY WAR WOMEN

Bozena Hauserova was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia on 22 Apr 1914. After their marriage the couple moved to Belgian Congo, in 1939, when events started to escalate in Europe. In 1941 they moved to the USA

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, her husband joined the army and she went to work at the Czech embassy in Washington, DC before becoming a WAC. She was sent to Algeria and then Rome, where she pursued her work at the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Morale Operations (MO). She died on 16 Aug 2009.

None Known

While in Rome, Corporal Lauwers assembled a team of German prisoners to work in counterintelligence and psychological warfare. The prisoners worked as “cobblers”— spies who create false passports, visas, diplomas and other documents. She conducted Operation Sauerkraut, which infiltrated enemy lines with teams of German prisoners that spread “black” propaganda regarding Hitler throughout occupied Italian towns.
She also created the League of Lonely War Women (VEK in German). This mythical organization was to demoralize German troops by making them believe that the females in their lives back home were having casual relations with other soldiers. Eight faked field post letters in the German language were produced by the OSS in Italy with the total number of forged field post letters that were printed in Rome being indicated in an OSS production report. 287,000 copies were produced in the period between 15 Jul 1944 and the end of the war. The operation was so successful that the Washington Post was fooled and ran a story on 10 Oct 1944 entitled, “German soldiers on leave from the Italian front have only to pin an entwined heart on their lapel during furloughs home to find a girlfriend.” The newspaper got the story from a circular which had been captured on the Eighth Army front and was actually written by her and carried behind German lines by the Sauerkraut agents.
In another mission, Corporal Lauwers led a team in writing and delivering “black” propaganda targeting soldiers attached to the German army in northern Italy. On 29 Apr 1945, this mission was so successful that 600 troops defected behind Italian lines and withdrew their support from the Germans. This operation was the reason that Corporal Lauwers was given the Bronze Star.
League of Lonely Hearts Letter (Translated):

Summer 1944
Dear frontline soldier!
When will you have leave again?
When will you be able to forget your arduous soldier's duties for a while, for a few days of joy, happiness and love? We at home know of your heroic struggle. We understand that even the bravest gets tired sometime and need a soft pillow, tenderness and healthy enjoyment.
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU: For you who must spend your leave in a foreign town; for you whom the war has deprived of a home; for you who is alone in the world without a wife, fiancée or a flirt.
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU: Cut our symbol from this letter. In every coffee shop, in every bar near a railway station, place it on your glass so that it can be clearly seen. A member of our VEK will soon contact you. The dreams you had at the front, and the longings of your lonely nights, will be fulfilled... We want you, not your money. Therefore, you should always show our membership card (to anyone who may approach you). There are members everywhere, because we women understand our duties to the homeland and to its defenders.
We are, of course, are selfish too - we have been separated from our men for many years. With all those foreigners around us, we would like once more to press a real German youth to our bosom. No inhibitions now: Your wife, sister, or lover is one of us as well.
We think of you and Germany's future. Which rests - rusts.
Association of Lonely War Women.

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